The invention patent for counter-circulating evaporator of Chengda Chemical Engineering Corporation is already authorized and commercialized. 中国成达化学工程公司反循环蒸发器发明专利已授权,并已工业化。
The productive performance test and measurement of dewatering chemical sludge with centrifuge and the pilot-plant performance test with a mini-belt press filter were studied for the need of engineering construction of 300 000 ton ethylene per year in Jilin Chemical Industrial Corporation Limited. 为配合吉林化学工业股份有限公司30万t乙烯工程A/O工艺废水处理工程化学污泥脱水的需要,进行了生产运行离心机性能考核测试和小型带式压滤机应用于化学污泥脱水的中试性能试验研究。
In according to productive experimental research of some chemical engineering corporation's dying waste water, the chlorine oxidation process to remove benzenamine materials was presented. 含氰废水处理方法很多,处理方法的选择应根据具体情况而定,本文主要介绍了过氧化氢法、二氧化硫-空气法、生物处理法、氯氧化法。